Teething 101

Teething: How to help your cranky baby

Teething can be a breeze for some and a complete nightmare for others. When our little girl began teething around 6 months we had no idea that teeth were coming in, we had a tough little youngster, we figured we might luck out and not have the difficulties so many other parents endure. As she got closer to a year and teeth began coming in more frequently our jobs as parents became much more challenging. Addeline our nearly one year old started having fevers, sinus issues and nearly all day fussiness, all due to the dreaded TEETHING, and that’s not even the worst part, Addeline started sinking her teeth into mommy and daddy whenever she could to try and find relief, and those teeth are dang sharp, OUCH! Here are some things that really helped us.

Baby Toothbrush

            As soon as Addeline began teething we offered her a toothbrush. She loved it, the bristles help break away the skin so the tooth can come in more smoothly. I suggest having a few on hand; keep one in your diaper bag for on the go, and a couple extra because the bristles get ruined rather quickly. When her teething started getting really painful I would freeze the toothbrush which would offer her gums some relief and numb her gums a bit.  A great way to score a deal on these toothbrushes is at their first dentist appointment ask if they can give you a few toothbrushes to take home.

Teething Necklaces

            Teething necklaces are wonderful for on the go. I still wear mine on most of our outings together. If she starts getting fussy I don’t have to mess around with finding a teether in my bag, its right on my neck ready to go for her. It has saved the day on many occasions when I cant get her to calm down. I don’t suggest giving your baby the entire necklace because of strangling purposes, but pick your baby up and hold her up by your neck and he or she will know just what to do!

Frozen Fruit and Veggies

            Cutting frozen blueberries in half or frozen peas is a great solution for a fussy teething baby, it’s also a great way to introduce some fruit and veggies. You can also freeze celery or place the celery in a cup of cold water if freezing the celery is too cold for them. This will help soothe their gums and also reduce any swelling.

Vibrating Teethers

            Addeline’s favorite way to teeth, she would spend hours with her gums deep into this First Years Massaging Action Teether. Below is her favorite one and I will also link a few other types. Not only does this provide relief for your little one but it also entertains them, it’s a win win!

Teething Crackers

            The amount of satisfaction my daughter has when given a teething cracker is insane, they may be her favorite snack! They are great for young babies just starting on solids because they do become soft after a moment in their mouth, but the texture of them really does provide a lot of relief to an upset baby. Our favorite kind is the HappyBaby organic teethers and any of the flavors are great!

 Addeline is currently fifteen months; we still have several more months of this teething business. As our journey continues I will update you on any new magical ways to help your little one on their journey with teething!